Exhibiting in Slovenia III

Exhibiting in Slovenia III
Thursday, 11 April, 10.00–17.50 and Friday, 12 April, 9.30–17.30
Conference Hall, City Museum of Ljubljana, Gosposka 15, Ljubljana
We kindly invite you to the third symposium on exhibiting of art, architecture, and design, and exhibition institutions in Slovenia.
The third edition of the symposium Exhibiting in Slovenia continues with in-depth investigations into exhibiting art, architecture and design in Slovenia. The excellent response and diversity of topics related to exhibition practices presented at the first and second symposia in 2019 and 2022 attested to the interest of both the professional and lay public in this subject and the issues surrounding it. We are particularly pleased to be again joined in our reflections by insightful researchers from abroad, who bring valuable external perspectives on Slovenian exhibition activity.
At this year’s symposium, selected exhibitions, institutions and other phenomena related to exhibiting art are again discussed chronologically and from various perspectives. We begin in the era of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and progress through the phenomenon of Yugoslav exhibitions, which were organised even before 1918, towards exhibitions and international exchanges between the two world wars. Some papers focus on exhibiting artworks in non-art museums and contexts. With them, we move chronologically into the post-World War II period and on to analysing the programmatic and political orientations of various art institutions, as well as their role in guiding and shaping the sphere of visual arts in Slovenia. As in the first two symposia, the topics converge in research on the accelerated institutionalisation of art, architecture and design after the World War II, discussing the work of certain key actors in the field of art within the Yugoslav context, among others the role of Zoran Kržišnik, an important promoter of Slovenian and Yugoslav post-war art. We conclude with analyses of selected exhibitions, significant curatorial practices of recent decades and new exhibition formats.
With Exhibiting in Slovenia symposium series we aim to better understand both the medium of the exhibition and the internal logic and workings of the Slovenian art system. We discuss how and why a certain exhibition practice occurs and becomes established, its relationship with the exhibited objects and art in general, and its interaction with political and other non-art discourses and agendas.
Day 1, Thursday, 11 April 2024
10:00 Welcome by Blaž Peršin, director of the Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana (MGML) and Beti Žerovc, representative of the organising committee, head of the research project Exhibiting of Art and Architecture between Artistic and Ideological Concepts. Case Study of Slovenia, 1947–1979 (J6-3137)
Exhibiting in Slovenia before World War II
Chair: Miha Valant
10:15 Renata Komić Marn: “All the beautiful things that have been preserved in Carniola from the old times”: The Provincial Exhibition in Ljubljana (1883)
10:35 Žaklina Ratković: Yugoslav Art Exhibitions: Models of Functioning (1904–1927)
10.55 Lovorka Magaš Bilandžić, Ana Ereš: From National Representation to Self-Organised Exhibiting: Artists from the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes at the 1926 Sesquicentennial International Exposition in Philadelphia
11:15 Break
11:30 Alice Němcová: Exhibition Activity of The Mánes Association of Fine Artists in Relation to Slovenian Modern Art in the 1920s
11:50 Hana Čeferin: The Shaping of National Expression in the Exhibitions of the Fotoklub Ljubljana (1932–1938)
12:10 Panel discussion
Exhibiting Art in Non-art Frameworks
Chair: Beti Žerovc
13:00 Oskar Habjanič: Museological Interpretations of the Permanent Exhibitions of the Maribor Regional Museum from Its Foundation in 1903 to 1947
13:20 Tina Fortič Jakopič: The Role of Artworks in the Exhibitions of the National Liberation Museum and the Museum of the People’s Revolution
13:40 Irena Šimić: What Is the Image When the Image Is All: On the Exhibition(s) of the Photographer Nenad Gattin
14:00 Panel discussion
Exhibitions of Architecture and Design
Chair: Martina Malešič
16:00 Nika Grabar: Yugoslav Architecture in Post-War Exhibitions
16:20 Bogo Zupančič: Exhibitions and Promotion of Le Corbusier’s Ideas in Slovenia
16:40 Tamara Bjažić Klarin: International Union of Architects (UIA) and the Union of Architects of Yugoslavia (SAJ) in the 1950s: A Fruitful Collaboration
17:00 Giovanni Rubino: “What Is It That Makes Yugoslav Houses So Different, So Appealing?”
17:20 Panel discussion
Day 2, Friday, 12 April 2024
Exhibiting in Post-War Yugoslavia I
Chair: Katarina Mohar
9:30 Nadja Zgonik: Group 69: Autonomous Exhibition Policies of the Art Elite under Socialism
9:50 Ljiljana Kolešnik: Role of Personal and Institutional Networks in Shaping the Concept of Authorial Curatorship in Socialist Yugoslavia: The Example of Zoran Kržišnik
10.10 Meta Kordiš: Exhibitions at Ljubljanska banka
10:30 Panel discussion
Exhibiting in Post-War Yugoslavia II
Chair: Vladimir Vidmar
11:30 Petar Prelog: On the Concept of Yugoslav Art: “Decade Exhibitions” of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade (1967–1985)
11:50 Rea Zupin: The Collection of Yugoslav Art in the Neue Galerie in Graz
12:10 Sanja Sekelj: Negotiating “Collective Yugoslav Actions”: Two Exhibitions of Contemporary Yugoslav Art in the 1980s
12:30 Tomaž Brejc: “Inside the White Cube”, a First-hand Account: The Real and the Retrograde Experience
12:50 Panel discussion
Exhibiting of Contemporary Art I
Chair: Urška Jurman
15:00 Deja Bečaj: Villa Katarina
15:20 Hana Ostan Ožbolt: U3 – Triennial of Contemporary (Slovene) Art
15:40 Christophe Barbeau: An Individual and a System
16:00 Break
16:15 Nicola Foster: Participatory Art as the Future: Szeemann’s Epicenter Ljubljana (1997), and Blood & Honey (2003)
16:35 Alenka Pirman: The Exhibition as a Form of Social Practice: A Tool for Analysis
16:55 Panel discussion
The symposium is free of charge; it is held in Slovene, Croatian, Serbian, and English.
The symposium is being organized in cooperation with: the Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana, the Igor Zabel Association for Culture and Theory, the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Koroška, and the Božidar Jakac Art Museum as well as the France Stele Institute of Art History (the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, ZRC SAZU), and the Department of Art History, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana as part of the research project Exhibiting of Art and Architecture between Artistic and Ideological Concepts. Case Study of Slovenia, 1947–1979 (J6-3137).
The symposium is financially supported by Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency (ARIS) and the ERSTE Foundation.