Educational comic workshop
Where: Galerija Škuc, Stari trg 21, Ljubljana
When: Saturday, 31 January 2015, at 10 a.m.
Age: children and youth aged between 9 and 14
Duration: 120 min
Number of participants: limited!
Free of charge
Application: applications will be accepted up until Thursday, 29 January at:
Contact and more info: Igor Zabel Association for Culture and Theory, / 040873360
The workshop is being part of the 7th Festival of Culture and Art Education Bobri, taking place in Ljubljana.
Many people. Because it does not want to be a pretty and likeable lady hanging around quietly in some corner, but is sometimes quite noisy, angry and critical. It can also be mischievously playful, humorous and hospitable. Sometimes it likes to show off, at other times it hides so we can hardly recognise it or jumps before us when we least expect it. It is interested in life – from bacteria or the city we live in to the universe. It is curious and likes asking tough questions, not holding its tongue, which is so long that it can embrace all kinds of media – from everyday objects which it furnishes with new meanings to modern technologies. But, above all, it hungers for a dialogue with the audience, so much so that it sometimes invites them to a real feast.
If you, too, are curious, then there is nothing to fear. We invite you to take part in our workshop and learn about contemporary visual arts through comics.
In a short introduction (projection), the children will encounter selected examples of contemporary art and in a discussion with two mentors think about what contemporary art contains, where we can find it, the topics that artists currently examine and the various ways in which they present their ideas to us.
In the second part of the workshop, the participants will create their own short comic story in which they will interpret the selected artwork through the adventures of the comic hero.
Programme leaders: Andrej Štular (artists), Anja Zver (art history student) and Urška Jurman (art historian).
We thank Škuc Gallery and Maša Ogrizek for a collaboration.